New Framework Award: EN:Procure New Build Housing Framework

Published: 30th April 2024

Termrim Construction are delighted to have been appointed to the latest EN:Procure New Build Housing Framework under Lot 2 (8-45 Units), Lot 3 (30-100 Units) and Lot 4 (70 Units and over).

The new EN:Procure Framework will deliver new build housing across the regions of Yorkshire and the Humber, the East Midlands and the North West and will also provide a wide range of social, economic and environmental benefits for communities served by Efficency North's membership of social housing providers.

Termrim has a long-standing relationship with Efficiency North and their customers, having been selected as a contractor under previous Frameworks and delivering numerous new housing schemes, across the Yorkshire and Humber Region.

The inclusion onto the £700million EN:Procure Framework will ensure that Termrim continues to play a significant role in regenerating local communities, by designing and building mixed tenure housing across the North of England.